Warehouse Roll Containers Location


Every day, warehouse workers need to move packages between different areas of the warehouse.

In order to optimize transport, roll containers are used to transport several packages at once.


Roll containers are not only used inside the warehouse but are placed inside trucks to be transported to other warehouses as well as to customer premises.


Constantly being shared between various locations and various entities, they end up being forgotten, lost, abandoned, and sometimes even stolen.


With no roll containers available, workers are stuck without being able to complete their work. In addition, the service is delayed, deliveries are not made and money is lost due to customer dissatisfaction.

It is therefore essential to have the ability to locate the rolls, both indoors and outdoors!


Roll Container Location


indoor roll container location

outdoor map location


By adding a small tracker to each of the roll containers we automatically get their location in real time.

Workers and operators can request the transport of rolls from the location where they are to the desired location, for example, the shipment of rolls between warehouses, thus resuming the work that was stopped.

All you need to do is to add the tracker and provisioing it in the application with the desired name or serial number.


It is possible to define virtual geofences to be able to be alerted whenever a roll container enters or leaves the said geofence

  • Locate Outdoor Map

  • Locate Indoor

  • Define Geofence

  • Get alerts when entering/exiting a geofence

  • Query roll location

  • Heatmaps

  • Analytics (e.g. top/bottom used geofences, top/bottom used rolls, top/bottom missed rolls, etc)


No more missing roll containers. Locate any roll container in real-time.

  • Easy to install

  • Small

  • Long life battery

  • Non intrusive

  • Alerts

  • Api (integrations)

  • Analytics



operations stoped time

stolen roll containers

new roll containers acquisiton

Start proactively planning and optimizing your operations today.


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